Promoting Care Coordination in Northwest Michigan

Promoting Care Coordination in Northwest Michigan

What is this website and how can I use it?

The goal of this website is to strengthen the care coordination network across Northwest Michigan. It is designed to promote awareness of and connection to Care Coordination Groups across the region as well as to promote the sharing of training and other resources across these groups.

Care Coordination Groups

For the purposes of this project, a Care Coordination Group is any gathering of people working to identify resources and coordinate care in their community, either directly on a case-by-case basis or on a systems level.

Coordinating Care

This website is intended to be used by resource navigators, community health workers, care coordinators, or anyone in the health and human services field. It is NOT intended for consumer/patient use. If you are a consumer/patient and need information about local services or resources, call 211.

Este sitio está destinado a ser utilizado por los navegantes de recursos, trabajadores de la salud de la comunidad, o cualquier persona en el campo de la salud y los servicios sociales. NO está destinado al uso del consumidor/paciente. Si usted es un consumidor/paciente y necesita información sobre servicios o recursos locales, llame al 211.

Use this website to identify Care Coordination Groups that can be a resource for you and your clients.

There are two ways to find Care Coordination Groups:

Search by:

Service Population

Select your group of interest (Service Population) from the navigation menu. This is a quick way to identify the Care Coordination Groups in your region who serve a specific population.

Search by:

Group Database

Select the Care Coordination Groups tab from the navigation menu. There are multiple ways to sort and search the database: by name, service region, meeting goals, meeting attendees, or a combination of any of these.

Use this website to find relevant trainings and events for care coordinators in the region!

Shared Calendar

Visit our Shared Calendar, found in the navigation menu, to find trainings and events relevant to community health workers, resource navigators, and care coordinators in the region.

You can also post your agency’s events by submitting the online form. We will be sure to get it added to the Shared Calendar.

Shared Calendar